Lipstick and wine!? Sounds like quite the pair, huh!?

Well for me, that’s how this whole journey started. Back in March, I offered to have a “Lips&Sips” party for my best friend who was selling this long-lasting lip color. I was very skeptical at the beginning; although, If my friend was using the product and selling it – it must be something to it!!

Before the ladies arrived – My bestie showed me all of her testers of LipSense and then advised me on the application process. I must admit, when she showed me how to apply, I was thinking…. this is a process!!! Now, I see the whole picture!! She then had me stripe my hand with colors to show how the color stays on and doesn’t rub off.  I was impressed!!!

When the ladies arrived, we started playing with colors and picking the perfect match. Everyone was enjoying playing with colors and drinking wine. They were blown away at how the color stayed on, and never left a print on their wine glasses! Huge hit!!!! I was intrigued and thinking, maybe I should sell this stuff!! The party was a huge success and the ladies were going crazy over it!!!!

Ashley Porter, of Richmond, VA is an Independent SeneGence Distributor

Literally the next day, I called my girlfriend and told her… “I’m signing up”!! She walked me thru the process and helped me place my first order, where I had testers and stock on hand to start selling. I made an application video on Facebook, and posted for all of my friends to see. Wow!!!!! I can’t even begin to describe how many messages started coming in immediately. People asking about it and wanting to buy right then!!!!! It was a complete whirlwind and a little overwhelming. I was thinking to myself, “This is going to be BIG!!!!”.

Just a few days later, my cousin and best friend messaged me wanting to sign up to become distributors. I was new at this myself, but with the help of my up-line (who is amazing to say the least and sincerely motivating) we created the perfect starter orders for them to get started. 

Sassy Southern Beauties SeneGence Team

Just 7 months later my team has exploded! We are now at 54 on my team, Sassy Southern Beauties💋 I can’t even begin to explain how excited I am about this opportunity and this company, which has brought so many possibilities to me and my team! Thanks to Joni Rogers-Kante for her vision and love of beauty!!! Dreams are coming true daily!!!

(Also, huge thank you to Yanice Kovach for our awesome team photos! If you need a great photographer in Richmond, let me know and I’ll send you her info.)